Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I realize now that I'm probably writing to no one but myself, but it's definitely a way to express myself. I know that sounds so corny...blah blah blah writing for expression, but I didn't know how real it was 'til now. I have things to say, scratch that, I have A LOT of things to say. I just need an outlet, "how to get my thoughts out in the world without being too loud?" (That's me saying it outloud btw). Let me tell you...this is just the beginning. 

This first post is called "Pilot" for a reason (which reminds me, why is a first episode of a new show called the pilot?) The purpose is to introduce the characters so here we go...let me begin with my leading man, Kit Harrington, Ryan Gosling, Taylor Kitsch, OKAY FINE, they aren't in the first couple episodes per se, but I'll definitely mention them! So my name is Greysi [GRAY-see], I am currently a college student going through so many new experiences I don't even know where to start. I have problems left and right and up and down for that matter, but mostly they're all just made up in my head. Hey, maybe I'll work them out through here? A revelation. Okay, so I'm a little weird. There's nothing wrong with that, but you'll see...we're gonna have fun (as I'm saying this to no one). 
                                                               (fitting in SO many manys!)

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  1. Good luck with your blog. I have a similar one called Cake and Grenades.
